Strategic Council

The Strategic Council of the Global Health Forum is committed to provide strategic guidance, advice, and decision-making support in the field of healthcare. Healthcare professionals, administrators, policymakers, researchers, and representatives from various relevant sectors are included in the list. Its purpose is to look at data, look for trends, find challenges, and produce ways to fix health-related issues and improve healthcare delivery. The Global Health Forum Strategic Council brings diverse perspectives and expertise and aims to promote informed decision-making and ensure that health systems and policies are aligned with the evolving needs of populations.

Adão Rocha

President of APTAS

Adelaide Belo

President of the Board of the Portuguese Association for Integrated Care

Agostinho Branquinho

Consultant in Organizational Strategy and Partner at A & CB Advisors

Álvaro Santos Pereira


Ana Escoval

Professor and Researcher at the Integrated Health Research Center (CHRC)

Ana Ferreira


Ana França

National Transplant Coordinator for Organs, Tissues, and Cells at the Portuguese Institute of Blood and Transplantation (IPST, IP) Lisbon, Portugal (2013-2019) and since then as Transplantation Consultant

Ana Paula Etges

National Institute for Health Technology Assessment "IATS, Brazil"

André Dias Pereira

Professor at the Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra

António Santos

Invited Assistant Professor at Fernando Pessoa University

António Vilar

Rheumatologist doctor Secretary General of the National Association of Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis — ANDAR

Arsisete Saraiva

Chairman of the Board of A.N.D.A.R.

Artur Osório

Physician and Guest Professor at FMDUP

Artur Silva

Vice-Reitor da Universidade de Aveiro

Belmiro Rocha

President of the Portuguese Association of Rehabilitation Nurses

Bernardo Gomes

ACES Entre o Douro e o Vouga I, ARS Norte

Bruno de Freitas

President of the Board of Directors of the Institute of Health Administration, IP-RAM

Carlos Pereira Alves

President of the Board of APDH

Catarina da Luz Oliveira

President of the General Assembly of the Portuguese Association of Hospital Phamacists

Catarina Delaunay

Integrated Researcher at the Interdisciplinary Center for Social Sciences at Universidade Nova

Cristina Campos

FREEMACIA Pharmaceutical Group

Cristina Potier

CEO at Rui Osório de Castro Foundation

David Magboulé

Head of Growth & Acceleration da Startup Portugal

Delfim Rodrigues

National Coordinator of the NHS Home Hospitalization Program

Eduardo Marçal Grilo

Curator at Francisco Manuel dos Santos Foundation

Elsa Melo

Coordinating Professor at the Higher School of Health of the University of Aveiro

Emanuel Boieiro

President of the National Union of Nurses

Fabrícia Teixeira

Former Board Member" of SESARAM

Francisco Duarte Correia

Head of the "Multidisciplinary Pain Medicine Center - Dr. Rui Silva", Central Hospital of Funchal -Madeira

Francisco Salvado

Full Professor at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Lisbon

Francisco Velez Roxo

CEO at ISEG Executive Education — Lisbon University

Generosa do Nascimento

Professor at ISCTE and Director of the Master in Health Services Management and the Executive Master in Health Services Management

Germano de Sousa

President and Coordinating Scientific Director · Center for Laboratory Medicine - Germano de Sousa

Graça Ferro

Director of the Nutrition Service of ULS Alto Minho

Helena Pereira de Melo

Associate Professor wirh Aggregation, NOVA School of Law

Hélia Gonçalves Pereira

Dean of the European University

Isabel Aldir

Health Adviser at Presidência da Repúbica | MD at Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa Ocidental | Assistant at NOVA Medical School

Joana Gomes da Costa

PhD Researcher at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Porto

João Caldas

Head of Global OutSystems Partnership Devoteam

João Valente Nabais

University of Évora, School of Health and Human Development and Vice-President of the International Diabetes Federation

Jorge Conde

President of the Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra

Jorge Seguro Sanches

Member of the Parliament

José Fernandes e Fernandes

Professor Emeritus at the FMUL and Guest Professor at the European University

José Mesquita Bastos

Cardiologist - Invited Professor at the University of Aveiro

Katrien Buys

Head of Strategy, Innovation and Sustainability and Board Member Of Fundação AGEAS

Laura Rodrigues

Mayor of Torres Vedras

Leila Sales

Cruz Vermelha Higher School of Health

Lourdes Martin

Director of the Faculty of Health Sciences at the Universidade Europeia

Luís Cunha Miranda

Rheumatologist Doctor

Luis de Almeida Sampaio

Ambassador of Portugal in Prague

Luís Filipe Pereira

Former Health Minister of Portugal

Manuel Dias

Professor at Nova IMS • Vice President at DSPA • Founder Power BI Portugal • Data Activist • AI Ambassador

Manuel Talhinhas

Political-Institutional Director of the ANF

Manuela Pacheco

President of the Portuguese Association of Pharmacies

Margarida Eiras


Margarida França

Chairman of the Board of Directors of Centro Hospitalar do Baixo Vouga, EPE

Maria Antónia Escoval

President of the IPST Board of Directors

Maria de Belém Roseira

Former Health Minister of Portugal

Maria do Céu Ameixinha de Abreu

Local Manager of the National Vaccination Program of ACeS Braga

Maria Regina Jardim Rodrigues

Coordinator of the Madeira Clinical Simulation Center

Mécia Fonseca

Head of Value & Access, Innovative Medicines at Novartis Portugal

Nuno Simões

Nurse Specialist at Centro Hospitalar Barreiro Montijo, EPE

Olga Gonçalves

Legal Advisory to the Executive Board of INFARMED IP - National Authority of Medicines and Health Products

Orlando Monteiro da Silva

President of the National Association of Liberal Professionals

Óscar Gaspar

President of the Portuguese Association of Private Hospitalization

Paulo Cruz

Full Professor, President of the School of Architecture, Art and Design of the University of Minho

Paulo Santos

Associate Professor at Faculty of Medicine of University of Porto

Paulo Teixeira

Pfizer Portugal CEO

Pedro de Câmara Ramos

Regional Secretary of the Regional Secretariat for Health and Civil Protection of the Regional Government of Madeira

Pedro Pita Barros

Professor of Health Economics at Nova School of Business of Economics, Universidade Nova de Lisboa

Pedro Teixeira

Psychologist - Lecturer at the School of Medicine of the University of Minho and Researcher at the Center for Digital Medicine P5 and at the Institute for Research in Life and Health Sciences at UM

Ricardo Matos

President of the Regional Section of the Center of the Order of Nurses

Rogério Andrade Gouveia

Regional Secretary for Finance of the RAM

Rosa Matos

Chairman of the Board of Directors of Centro Hospitalar Lisboa Central

Rui Dias Costa

Director of the Higher School of Health at the University of Aveiro

Rui Fonseca Pinto

Director of the Higher School of Health of the Polytechnic of Leiria

Sandra Cavaca

Chairman at SPMS, EPE

Simon Gineste

President at Novartis Portugal

Sónia Dias

Dean and Full Professor at NOVA National School of Public health

Susana Sampaio Oliveira

Director Master in Master in Health Care Economics and Management (FEP) and PG Health Services Management and Administration (PB)

Tamara Milagre

President of the EVITA-Hereditary Cancer Association

Tania Gaspar

Coordinator of the Portuguese Laboratory of Healthy Work Environments

Tiago Correia

Senior researcher at Global Health and Tropical Medicine (IHMT-UNL)

Valter Fonseca

Staff Member, Quality of Care and Patient Safety, World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe.

VIctor Oliveira

Neurologist doctor

Adalberto Campos Fernandes

Chairman of the Global Health Forum
Former Minister of Health of Portugal

Professor at the National School of Public Health at the University Nova from Lisbon. Minister of Health of the XXI Constitutional Government (2015-2018). PhD in Health Administration from the University of Lisbon. Integrates the Research Center in Public Health (CISP) of NOVA ENSP and the Comprehensive Health Research Center (CHRC) at NOVA University. Integrates the Regional Director’s Advisory Council NCD of the European Region of WHO. President of the General Assembly of the Institute of Health Based on Evidence. Vice President of the School Board of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Lisbon. Academic Member of the National Academy of Medicine of Portugal. integrates several National and International Scientific Associations.

Vaccines and new frontiers of life

In a world where emerging diseases continually threaten our global health, a new chapter is being written in the history of vaccines. The parallel session, “Vaccines and New Frontiers of Life,” explores the intricate interaction between science, innovation, and public health as we face unprecedented challenges. This parallel session delves into the rapid development of vaccines to combat the ever-evolving landscape of infectious diseases. From the groundbreaking mRNA technology utilized in COVID-19 vaccines to the tireless efforts of researchers and healthcare professionals on the front lines, we face the extraordinary endeavors of our time. However, with these breakthroughs comes controversy. “Vaccines and New Frontiers of Life” aims to debate the skepticism and misinformation surrounding vaccines, highlighting the importance of science-based decision-making and the battle against vaccine hesitancy. It highlights the voices of experts dedicated to dispelling myths and ensuring the public understands the significance of vaccination in safeguarding our collective well-being. As the world grapples with the ongoing challenges of emerging diseases, this session takes viewers on a journey through the triumphs, trials, and triumphs again in the realm of vaccines. It invites all the participants to reflect on vaccines’ critical role in our modern society and underscores the need for global cooperation in the face of these relentless threats. In this parallel session of the Global Heal Forum, we would like to explore the nexus between science, ethics, and public health, contributing to a poignant reminder of the resilience of the human spirit and the relentless pursuit of solutions to safeguard our future in an ever-changing world.

As novas fronteiras da Medicina Laboratorial

O futuro da medicina laboratorial já começou e assenta em significativos avanços tecnológicos que nos permitem ultrapassar novas fronteiras no domínio do diagnóstico. A genómica é o principal suporte do novo paradigma médico conhecido como Medicina de Precisão ou Medicina Personalizada, em que a definição do diagnóstico molecular de cada doente determina a terapêutica específica e individualizada para cada um. A oncogenómica, disciplina fundamental para o diagnóstico e tratamento de doenças oncológicas hereditárias ou adquiridas, é uma das áreas que mais beneficia e beneficiará deste avanço laboratorial.

Da mesma forma, a proteómica abriu novas fronteiras no diagnóstico laboratorial da Doença de Alzheimer (DA) no sangue periférico, numa fase muito precoce, confirmando as mais ligeiras suspeitas clínicas, mesmo quando outro tipo de exames nada revela ou é demasiado invasivo. Considerando a possibilidade da eficácia de novos medicamentos, já existentes ou em desenvolvimento, actuarem nas fases muito iniciais desta forma de demência, impedindo a sua evolução, urge a utilização de novos testes que permitam, no sangue periférico, medir determinadas proteínas, com altíssima sensibilidade e especificidade fazendo precocemente o diagnóstico da DA permitindo atuar eficazmente nesta doença, ultrapassando uma nova fronteira não só na medicina laboratorial mas, mais especificamente, na neurologia.

Data Science e a Interoperabilidade dos Dados

Data Science e interoperabilidade cobrem o cerne do desenvolvimento de tecnologia para a saúde. É a estrada de informação que abre caminho para a inovação. Os dados das organizações de saúde podem ajudar a melhorar o diagnóstico, novos tratamentos, atendimento ao paciente e serviços gerais. Iremos discutir em que ponto estamos nos dias de hoje e como podemos acelerar a adoção de tecnologia suportada por data science e pela interoperabilidade.

Cuidados Domiciliários: Novos Desafios e Oportunidades

Levar os cuidados de saúde a casa permite melhorar a experiência do cliente em termos do conforto pessoal, mas também no plano da segurança e da qualidade clínica, designadamente pela redução de eventos adversos evitáveis.

A hospitalização domiciliária à escala do SNS português está a revelar-se uma resposta essencial para a redução da demora média hospitalar, permitindo libertar meios e recursos que impulsionam a melhoria do acesso e dos tempos de resposta.

Os cuidados em casa constituem uma oportunidade de mercado substancial para os diferentes operadores dos setores público, privado e social, e uma excelente iniciativa para a criação de maior valor para todos os stakeholders do setor.

Fórum dos CEO

Esta sessão paralela visa melhorar a colaboração entre os stakeholders no sistema de saúde, incluindo entidades oficiais, prestadores de cuidados de saúde, indústria e cidadãos questão crucial para melhorar o acesso e a qualidade dos cuidados. O principal objetivo é estabelecer canais de comunicação entre todas as partes interessadas para facilitar a partilha de informações e a colaboração. Nesta sessão, procura-se uma visão partilhada que defina objetivos comuns para o sistema de saúde. Esses objetivos devem ter como prioridades o acesso, a eficiência e a qualidade dos cuidados para todos os cidadãos. O Forum discutirá a importância do alinhamento de políticas, regulamentos e incentivos com o objetivo geral de melhorar o acesso e a qualidade dos cuidados de saúde através da promoção de políticas que promovam a inovação e a eficiência. Este Fórum debaterá, igualmente, a importância da interoperabilidade e da partilha de dados entre prestadores de cuidados de saúde, entidades pagadoras e parceiros da indústria permitindo uma compreensão mais abrangente das necessidades dos cidadãos e dos resultados dos cuidados de saúde. O debate também deverá ser centrado na adoção de tecnologias de saúde, como a saúde digital para melhorar a coordenação e a acessibilidade dos cuidados. Também será discutida a importância da implementação de incentivos baseados no desempenho para que os prestadores de cuidados de saúde e as organizações promovam cuidados de saúde de alta qualidade e melhores resultados para os utentes. Em síntese, esta sessão paralela tem como objetivo incentivar os esforços de parceria que se concentram na inovação e na melhoria dos cuidados de saúde, uma vez que melhorar a colaboração entre as partes interessadas no sistema de saúde é um processo contínuo que requer compromisso, flexibilidade e uma abordagem centrada no cidadão. Trabalhando em conjunto e implementando estas estratégias, será possível fazer progressos significativos na melhoria do acesso e da qualidade dos cuidados de saúde para todos os cidadãos.

Innovation Promoting Inclusion: Hearing Health What’s the Future.

Is a symposium that will explore the future of hearing health. The symposium aims to promote innovation, inclusion, and accessibility in hearing healthcare. The symposium will feature experts in the field of audiology, hearing technology, and public health. They will discuss the latest research, technologies, and policies related to hearing health. 

The symposium will also provide a platform for networking and collaboration among professionals, researchers, and advocates in the field.

Health & the Challenge of Quality

This session aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of key concepts related to whole system quality, leading for quality, and the future of quality on a global scale. It will facilitate discussions on interconnected dimensions of quality, such as leadership, integration, equity, digital advancements, and environmental sustainability.

Realising the Full Potential of Women’s Health and Well-being

Why do women, despite taking more care of their health, have a higher prevalence of disease and rend to be seen as fragile and weak?

Join us at a study presentation that aims to awaken consciences and demystify preconceptions about women’s health.

Inscreva-se na Lista de espera

Por favor preencha a informação abaixo para ficar inscrito na lista de espera. Se surgir disponibilidade, entraremos em contacto.

Join Waiting List

Please fill in the information below to join our Waiting List, and in the event of openings, we will get in touch with you.

Isabel Furtado

Administradora do Grupo TMG

Licenciada em Economia pela Universidade de Manchester, UK.

Administradora do Grupo TMG.  CEO da TMG Automotive e Administradora da HaMinGi, parceria industrial na China. 

Presidente da COTEC Portugal até 2022, atualmente membro da direção. Vice presidente da ATP. Presidente do Conselho da Administração do CEIIA, membro do Conselho Curadores da Universidade do Minho e do Governing Committee do MIT- Portugal.

Sessão: 29 Setembro - 10:00

Inovação, Ambiente e Sustentabilidade


Sessão: 30 Setembro - 11:30

Fórum dos CEO

Um painel que visa debater a ética da responsabilidade para a ação e cumprimento da sua missão essencial, no quadro globalizado em que o saber e a pessoa dependente constitui o escopo do desenvolvimento e da segurança, para criar confiança e qualidade de vida. O sustentáculo da cidadania pela democracia sanitária vai discutir-se da biomedicina aos seguros, da informação à gestão e investigação, num sistema de sinergias das potencialidades da tecnologia e ciência… Para um novo contrato social que a Saúde Global impõe.

Isabel Furtado

Administrator of the TMG Group

Graduated in Economics from the University of Manchester, UK.

Administrator of the TMG Group. CEO of TMG Automotive and Administrator of HaMinGi, an industrial partnership in China.

President of COTEC Portugal until 2022, currently member of the board. Vice president of ATP. President of the Board of Directors of CEIIA, member of the Board of Trustees of the University of Minho and of the Governing Committee of MIT-Portugal.

Session: 29 Sept - 10:00

Innovation, Environment and Sustainability


Session: 30 Sept - 11:30

CEO's Forum

A panel that aims to debate the ethics of responsibility for action and the fulfilment of its essential mission, in a globalized framework in which knowledge and the dependent person constitutes the scope of development and security, in order to create confidence and quality of life. The support of citizenship through health democracy will be discussed from biomedicine to insurance, from information to management and research, in a system of synergies of the potential of technology and science… For a new social contract that Global Health requires.

Joana Ascensão


Porto, Portugal · Jornalista · Expresso; ex jornalista do Observador,

Reportagem expresso 11/08/23 “O amor de dois casais levou a um raro transplante internacional de rins

18/01/2023 — A jornalista Joana Ascensão, do semanário Expresso, venceu o Grande Prémio Jornalismo Jovem, com a reportagem “Filhos Únicos da Terra”.

14/11/2022 O segundo premio da Sociedade Portuguesa de Psiquiatria e Saúde Mental foi concedido à reportagem “O Cancro não tem Sexo” da jornalista Joana Ascensão (Expresso). 

02/12/2019 Renascença, Prémio Nacional de Jornalismo de Inovação, categoria de Audiovisual, com a reportagem “Os incêndios matam abelhas. Isso afeta-nos mais do que pensa”.

Sessão: 29 Setembro - 14:30

O Futuro da Transplantação

O transplante é uma área da medicina que teve avanços significativos nos últimos anos, e apresenta um  promissor. Com a pesquisa e desenvolvimento em curso, espera-se que mais órgãos e tecidos fiquem disponíveis para transplante, e as taxas de sucesso desses procedimentos continuem a melhorar. Além disso, é provável que os avanços na tecnologia e nas técnicas tornem os procedimentos de transplante menos invasivos e mais eficientes, reduzindo o tempo de recuperação dos doentes. No geral, o futuro do transplante é uma grande promessa para aqueles que precisam de procedimentos que salvam vidas.

Joana Ascensão


Porto, Portugal · Journalist · Express; former Observer journalist,

Report express 11/08/23 “The love of two couples led to a rare international kidney transplant

18/01/2023 — Journalist Joana Ascensão, from the weekly Expresso, won the Grande Prêmio Jornalismo Jovem, with the report “Filhos Únicos da Terra”.

11/14/2022 The second prize of the Portuguese Society of Psychiatry and Mental Health was awarded to the report “Cancro não tem Sexo” by journalist Joana Ascensão (Expresso).

12/02/2019 Renascença, National Prize for Innovation Journalism, Audiovisual category, with the report “Fires kill bees. It affects us more than you think”.

Session: 29 Sept - 14:30

The Future of Transplantation

Transplantation is an area of medicine that has seen significant advancements in recent years, and the future of this field looks promising. With ongoing research and development, it is expected that more organs and tissues will become available for transplantation, and the success rates of these procedures will continue to improve. Additionally, advancements in technology and techniques are likely to make transplantation procedures less invasive and more efficient, reducing recovery times for patients. Overall, the future of transplantation holds great promise for those in need of life-saving procedures.

Isabel Vaz

CEO Luz Saúde

É licenciada em Engenharia Química pelo Instituto Superior Técnico (1990) e tem um Master of Business and Administration (MBA) pela Universidade Nova de Lisboa (1994). Após a licenciatura, iniciou a sua vida profissional como investigadora no Instituto de Biologia Experimental e Tecnológica (IBET). Foi Engenheira de Projeto Fabril no Grupo Atral Cipan. Em 1992, ingressou na McKinsey, empresa de consultadoria estratégica de alta direção, onde foi senior consultant durante sete anos, participando em projectos essencialmente na área da banca e seguros. Desde 1999, é Presidente da Comissão Executiva do Grupo Luz Saúde, liderando mais de 13 mil colaboradores em 30 unidades de saúde, entre as quais o Hospital da Luz, em Lisboa. Desde 2012, o Grupo que lidera gere também, em regime de Parceria Público-Privada, um hospital público – o Hospital Beatriz Ângelo, em Loures. Foi membro do Conselho de Faculdade da Nova School of Business and Economics da Universidade Nova de Lisboa. E membro do International Advisory Board do The Lisbon MBA, da mesma Faculdade. Foi ainda membro do Conselho Geral da Universidade de Lisboa. Nos últimos anos, tem realizado regularmente conferências sobre gestão em saúde, liderança, recursos humanos e sustentabilidade financeira dos sistemas de saúde, a convite de diversas universidades e outras instituições. Em 2015, recebeu o prémio do Jornal de Negócios «Excellens Oeconomics», como melhor gestora do ano em Portugal. Em 2017, recebeu o Prémio Maria de Lourdes Pintasilgo 2017, atribuído pelo Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) a antigas alunas que se distinguiram no seu percurso profissional e social.

Sessão: 30 Setembro - 11:30

Fórum dos CEO

Um painel que visa debater a ética da responsabilidade para a ação e cumprimento da sua missão essencial, no quadro globalizado em que o saber e a pessoa dependente constitui o escopo do desenvolvimento e da segurança, para criar confiança e qualidade de vida. O sustentáculo da cidadania pela democracia sanitária vai discutir-se da biomedicina aos seguros, da informação à gestão e investigação, num sistema de sinergias das potencialidades da tecnologia e ciência… Para um novo contrato social que a Saúde Global impõe.

Isabel Vaz

CEO Luz Saúde

She holds a degree in Chemical Engineering from Instituto Superior Técnico (1990) and a Master of Business and Administration (MBA) from Universidade Nova de Lisboa (1994). After graduation, she began her professional life as a researcher at the Institute of Experimental and Technological Biology (IBET). She was a Factory Project Engineer at Grupo Atral Cipan. In 1992, he joined McKinsey, a senior management strategic consulting firm, where he was a senior consultant for seven years, participating in projects mainly in the area of banking and insurance. Since 1999, he has been Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Luz Saúde Group, leading more than 13,000 employees in 30 health units, including the Hospital da Luz in Lisbon. Since 2012, the Group he leads also manages, under a Public-Private Partnership, a public hospital – the Beatriz Ângelo Hospital, in Loures. He was a member of the Faculty Council of the Nova School of Business and Economics of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa. He is a member of the International Advisory Board of The Lisbon MBA, from the same Faculty. He was also a member of the General Council of the University of Lisbon. In recent years, it has regularly held conferences on health management, leadership, human resources, and financial sustainability of health systems, at the invitation of several universities and other institutions. In 2015, she received the award of the Jornal de Negócios «Excellens Oeconomics», as the best manager of the year in Portugal. In 2017, she received the Maria de Lourdes Pintasilgo 2017 Prize, awarded by Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) to former students who have distinguished themselves in their professional and social career.

Session: 30 Sept - 11:30

CEO's Forum

A panel that aims to debate the ethics of responsibility for action and the fulfilment of its essential mission, in a globalized framework in which knowledge and the dependent person constitutes the scope of development and security, in order to create confidence and quality of life. The support of citizenship through health democracy will be discussed from biomedicine to insurance, from information to management and research, in a system of synergies of the potential of technology and science… For a new social contract that Global Health requires.

Joana Barbosa

Partner at Return on Ideas

She is dedicated to the production and dissemination of knowledge about consumers and citizens produced by Return on Ideas, including the SAÚDES project, by Médis, in whose investigations she has been involved. She takes charge of investigations, research, editing & information design.

Session: 29 Sept - 14:30

Realising the Full Potential of Women's Health and Well-being

Joana Barbosa

Partner at Return on Ideas

Dedica-se à produção e disseminação de conhecimento sobre consumidores e cidadãos produzido pela Return on Ideas, incluindo o projecto SAÚDES, da Médis, em cujas investigações tem estado envolvida. Assume a direcção de investigações, research, edição & design de informação.

Sessão: 29 Setembro - 14:30

Entender todo o potencial da saúde e bem-estar da mulher

Ricardo Valente

City Councilor for Economy, Employment and Entrepreneurship and City Councilor for Finance, Economic Activities and Inspectorate.

Ricardo Valente is City Councilor for Economy, Employment and Entrepreneurship and City Councilor for Finance, Economic Activities and Inspectorate. He is Board Member of Porto Vivo – Porto Urban Rehabilitation Society.

Mr. Valente is also a professor at the School of Economics and Management of the University of Porto and at PBS – Porto Business School.

Ricardo Valente was City Councilor for Economy, Tourism and Commerce and City Councilor for European Funds (2017 – 2021), City Councilor for Economic and Social Development (2016 – 2017), and Non-executive City Councilor (2013 – 2016). He was also the President of Porto Convention & Visitors Bureau (2018 – 2020), President of the Board of GO Porto – Municipal Management and Works Company (2016 – 2017), and Member of the National Bidding Commission for the Relocation of the European Medicines agency (2017).

From 1992 to 2016, Mr. Valente worked in risk management consulting, capital markets (as director and board member of brokerage firms), asset management (as CEO of one of the largest independent asset management firms in Portugal), investment banking (as member of the board of a bank), and was also an investment consultant.

Mr. Valente has a Master’s degree in finance and a MBA in finance from the Catholic University of Lisbon, and a degree in Economics from the University of Porto.

Mr. Valente is the author of several books on risk management.

Session: 29 Sept - 14:30

Citizen Forum

Para participar deverá inscrever-se utilizando o seguinte código:


Para efetuar o seu registo, basta clicar aqui e utilizar o Código de Convite fornecido durante o processo.

To participate, you must register using the following code:


To proceed with your registration, simply click here and use the provided Invitation Code during the process

[ninja_form id="1" ]

Gisela Lameira

Architect and researcher at the Centre for Studies in Architecture and Urbanism of the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto

Gisela Lameira (Viseu, 1978) is an architect and a contract researcher at the Centre for Studies in Architecture and Urbanism of the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto (FAUP–CEAU, Portugal), and holds a PhD in architecture from FAUP (2017). Her research interests include the study of architecture and urban theory and history, specifically the genesis and transformation of multifamily housing. She worked as a research fellow on the FCT project “Mapping Public Housing: A Critical Review of the State‐Subsidised Residential Architecture in Portugal (1910–1974),” hosted by FAUP/ CEAU [P2020-PTDC/CPC-HAT/1688/2014], and is currently undertaking research for the research projects “Ageing in Place/Architecture4Ageing”and “Housing Think Tank: knowledge integration on multi-family residential buildings” (HoTT),” at FAUP. Between 2019 and 2022 he taught History of Contemporary Architecture at FAUP. Her scientific production is available at:

Session: 29 Sept - 10:00

Architecture, Health and Wellness

As stated by the United Nations, it is obvious that our future is urban and, accordingly, for the World Health Organization that health should be prioritized in urban and territorial planning, in order to incorporate it into decision-making and thus favouring “age-friendly cities”. For the next generation of elders who wish to keep participating actively in society, shared and social spaces are crucial for both physical and mental health. Sharing and generational diversity are essential components for wellbeing, underscoring the psychosocial advantages of the community dimension. With a wide variety of collective, self-organized and participatory forms of housing, the concept of collaborative housing encompasses many forms of self-organized housing projects, created with a collective effort, in which residents have access to generous shared spaces with a variety of uses as compensation for a minimal amount of private space. The new Basic Housing Law in Portugal already provides for collaborative housing as a form of access to permanent housing, which will certainly arouse great interest to all those concerned with Architecture, Health and Wellness.


João Breda

Diretor do Gabinete de Atenas da OMS para a Segurança e Qualidade dos Cuidados de Saúde & Conselheiro Especial do Diretor Regional da OMS

Dr. João Breda é Diretor do Gabinete de Atenas da OMS para a Segurança e Qualidade dos Cuidados de Saúde e Conselheiro Especial do Diretor Regional da OMS para a criação de Gabinetes Sub-Regionais.

Antes de se mudar para a Grécia, João Breda assumiu cargos de liderança da OMS em Copenhaga (Dinamarca) durante sete anos e em Moscovo (Federação Russa) durante quatro anos. O recém-criado Centro de Excelência de Atenas tem como objetivo melhorar a segurança e qualidade dos cuidados de saúde dos doentes a nível nacional, visando reduzir desigualdades ao promover a liderança e inovação na saúde.

Até 2021, dirigiu o Gabinete Europeu da OMS para a Prevenção e Controlo das Doenças Não Transmissíveis (DNT), parte integrante do Gabinete Regional da OMS para a Europa. Lançado em 2014, este Gabinete é um marco importante no compromisso de combater as DNT na Região Europeia da OMS. Liderado pelo Dr. Breda, o Gabinete das DNT prestou apoio a 53 Estados-Membros da Região Europeia da OMS, com abordagens específicas a nível da população, com o objetivo de assegurar uma redução do risco de DNT e a descida global da mortalidade prematura. Em 2019, a equipa que liderava recebeu o Prémio de Excelência atribuído por Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Diretor-Geral da OMS, que reconhece o contributo excecional para a Organização, com ganhos e conquistas tangíveis.

João Breda tem um doutoramento em Ciências do Consumo Alimentar e Nutrição pela Universidade do Porto, um master em Gestão pela EU Business School de Barcelona, um master em Saúde Pública e uma licenciatura em Ciências da Nutrição.

Sessão: 30 Setembro - 16:50

Políticas de Saúde: a Urgência de Novas Ideias

Para melhorar a eficiência e eficácia dos sistemas de saúde, para prevenir doenças, promover a qualidade de vida… há um mundo de possibilidades e oportunidades que podem ser consideradas nas políticas de saúde. O momento de fazer a mudança é agora!

Sessão: 30 Setembro - 9:30

A nutrição é determinante na esperança de vida, mas também nos anos de vida saudável. O avanço da ciência transporta-nos para uma nova era da nutrição com decisivos contributos para a sustentabilidade do sistema de saúde e do sistema alimentar. De que estamos à espera para agir?

Carlos Carreiras

Presidente da Câmara Municipal de Cascais


Sessão: 29 Setembro - 09:00

Sessão de Abertura

Global Health Forum Registration - Invitation Code

Hello, I would like to receive the Invitation code for Global Health Forum 2023.

João Breda

Head of the WHO Athens Quality of Care and Patient Safety Office & SPECIAL ADVISER for the WHO Regional Director

Dr João Breda is the Head of the new Athens Quality of Care Office and Special Adviser of WHO Regional Director for the establishment of Sub-Regional Offices. Before moving to Greece João has been posted in WHO Senior Positions in Copenhagen (Denmark) for seven years and Moscow (Russian Federation) for four years. The newly established Athens Centre of Excellence aims to improve quality of care and patient safety at country level and focusing on reducing inequalities while promoting health innovation and leadership.
Until 2021 he Headed the WHO European Office for the Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases (NCD Office), which is an integral part of the WHO Regional Office for Europe. Launched in 2014, the NCD Office marked an important milestone in the commitment made to combatting NCDs in the WHO European Region. Led by Dr Breda, the NCD Office provided support to 53 Member States in the WHO European Region based on population-level, targeted approaches to ensure a reduction in NCD risk, an overall decline in premature mortality. In 2019, the team he was leading was given an Award of Excellence announced by Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General, which acknowledges the exceptional contribution to the Organization, tangible gains, and achievements.
Dr João Breda is a PhD in Food Consumption & Nutritional Sciences by Porto University, a Master of Business Administration by the EU Business School in Barcelona, a Master’s in Public Health and initially graduated in Nutritional Sciences.

Session: 30 Sept - 16:50

Health Policies: Need for a New Generation of Ideas

To improve the efficiency and effectiveness of healthcare systems, to prevent disease, to promote quality of life… there is a world of possibilities and opportunities that can be factored in in healthcare policies. The time to make the change is now!

Session: 30 Sept - 9:30

Nutrition & Health

Nutrition is crucial in life expectancy, but also in years of healthy life. The advancement of science takes us into a new era of nutrition with decisive contributions to the sustainability of the health system and the food system. What are we waiting for to act?